
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Future of Brick and Mortar Galleries

There are over two hundred art galleries in the state of Maine. Some are artist owned, most are not. The marketing strategies of most galleries are outdated. Today's economy will not sustain the high price model of 'curated' galleries. The selling of art in the United States is a multibillion dollar industry that caters mostly to rich collectors who collect for investment and rely on gallery owners to tell them what to buy. The vetting process of these galleries locks out many artist. I suspect that supply and demand is at play here, where the art of a relative, favored few is worth more to the gallery owners.

But what of the artists? Who do they create for? What are the goals of Artists?  Is it to create and share beauty? Is it to become rich? Is it to be shown in museums? What role do galleries play in the artist's goals?

New technology, the internet and social media has allowed artist to interact directly with the public without the gallery middleman. Sites like Daily Painting Works and Portland Art Gallery(along with eBay and Pinerest) allow artist to sell their creations directly through the internet. This is a tool that artist can use to earn money while creating for galleries and museums, if they so choose. As with any new technology there have been detractors as outlined in the following article from the Portland Press Herald.

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